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Seaweeds: Mighty Minerals & More

Seaweeds: Mighty Minerals & More

What natural substance has nearly every mineral your body needs, fights viruses and cancers, detoxifies heavy metals, ramps up fat-burning, and soothes ulcers? Seaweed, of course. The nutritional and medicinal benefits of seaweed have been known for thousands of years. We will explore the many wonderful benefits of seaweed in this newsletter.

Seaweed Bowl

There are hundreds of species of seaweed and many of them are used for food and medicinal purposes. They may be considered some of the most nutritious plants on earth; their nutritive value greatly exceeds terrestrial food sources. In addition to vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates and phytochemicals, seaweeds are the most mineral-dense foods found. They have high levels of iodine and calcium, and also contain chromium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, sulfur, silver, tin, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, boron, and trace minerals.

Marine algae possess an amazing ability to take up and absorb certain substances from seawater. The iodine concentration in kombu (a brown kelp), for example, is 100,000 times greater in the cells of the seaweed than in the surrounding water. Conversely, the sodium content is much lower than the seawater. The organic iodine found in seaweed feeds the thyroid gland. In addition to the nutritional content, seaweeds generally contain 45-75 percent carbohydrates and fiber, 7-3 percent proteins, and less than 5 percent fats. The red algae contain the greatest protein content (35 percent), and the brown the lowest.

Some of the most well-known consumed seaweeds are the red algae and the brown, commonly referred to as kelp, but with many subspecies. Bladderwrack, alaria, and rockweed are all in the brown group, while dulse and Irish moss are red algae.

Immune-Support Properties

Brown Seaweed Activate Macrophages

Many of the brown seaweeds contain soluble polysaccharides (the same compounds found in medicinal mushroom powerhouses turkey tail and reishi), such as fucoidin and alginates. These polysaccharides activate macrophages in the immune system to “fight invaders.” Studies have shown some of these compounds to also block angiogenesis in cancer tumors as well as possessing other aspects of anti-tumor activity. The anti-viral properties of the red marine algae are well-known, fighting herpes and HPV, for example. (See our newsletter on The Amazing Antiviral Benefits of RMA.)


Detox with Brown Seaweed

Seaweeds are potent detoxification agents. The non-digestible polysaccharide alginate that is a large percentage of (brown) seaweeds’ dry weight has the ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive substances to its own molecules. It is then excreted from the body with the toxins. Alginate binds to all heavy metals for removal from the body, including lead, cadmium, mercury, cobalt, copper, and radium. Studies using the polysaccharide laminarin have shown it to prevent acute radiation sickness in four animal species when administered within 24 hours after radiation exposure. The alginates also work to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine, decreasing the uptake while the organic iodine content increases healthy thyroid function.

Weight Management/Digestion

VitaMineral Green Mermaid

By virtue of its iodine content supporting the thyroid, seaweed may help maintain a healthy weight. Thyroid function directly supports body metabolism. Seaweeds supply organic chlorine compounds that are important for the manufacture of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The mucilage found in them is soothing to the intestinal tract and also promotes peristalsis. Various nutrients in seaweeds appear to help cleanse the colon and improve digestion and absorption.

What We Have For You

Nature's Life Icelandic Kelp

Evergreen carries a variety of seaweed products. Nature’s Life Icelandic Kelp is a perennial favorite for getting one’s minerals organically. Bladderwrack is another popular encapsulated seaweed. Healthforce’s VitaMineral Green supplies seaweeds kelp, dulse, and nori, along with a host of mineral-rich land plants such as alfalfa. This is available in powder or capsules, is vegan, gluten free, and completely organic.