Five-Flower Formula

SKU: P-120-FS0015 Categories: ,


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Promote Calm & Balance

A combination of five English flower essences first developed by Dr. Edward Bach, promoting calm and balance in diverse situations of stress, emergency, and trauma.

The Five-Flower Formula™ is praised throughout the world by health practitioners and lay persons. The formula of five different flower essences — Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem — was developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s through his own practice and observation. Over the years it has come to be regarded as a “rescue” combination for its remarkable ability to address emergency and crisis conditions.

Prepared in rural England by renowned teacher and naturalist, Julian Barnard of Healingherbs, Ltd., the formula is made according to the original directions of Dr. Bach. True to Bach’s original intentions, it is not prepared or labeled as a homeopathic remedy, and it is biodynamic and organic.


  • Keep out of reach of children.

Suggested Use:

Four drops in mouth, repeat as needed. Stock concentrate can be taken directly under the tongue or applied to pulse
points. The stock concentrate can also be diluted in a spoonful of water, or several drops can be put in a half-glass of water and sipped slowly. 10 drops of stock can also be added to
a 4 oz misting bottle filled with fresh spring water. A dosage bottle can be made by adding 2-3 drops of stock to a one-ounce bottle filled with fresh spring water and preserved with
one tablespoon of brandy.

Ingredients: Water, alcohol*, infusions (1:6000) of prunus cerasifera, clematis vitalba, impatiens glandulifera, helianthemum
nummularium, and ornithogalum umbellatum flowers(w) * Organic and Biodynamic (w) wild-harvested in Britain