Healing Salve | 1 Oz

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Fast-Acting, All-Purpose Salve

This is a rich quick-acting salve for many types of injuries and small run-ins with life. It's great for those little owies we get in the yard or garden, kitchen or shop, at work or play.

Benefits & Uses:

  • Diaper rash (parents love this Healing Salve, and so do babies).
  • Skin rashes (gardeners swear by it).
  • Poison ivy and oak, hives, etc. (outdoors people keep it handily packed).
  • Chapped lips and hands, sunburns, minor burns (quick-acting relief that stays).
  • Minor cuts and bruises and insect bites, even puncture wounds.
  • Skin cancer (for relief and healing).
  • Sore and aching muscles.
  • And more.


  • Keep out of reach of children.

Suggested Use:

Apply directly as needed. Tip: a little goes a long way. It can be applied to clean
open wounds. You may want to lightly cover the salved area for healing reasons and/or to protect clothing, etc. from soiling (it
washes out).

Ingredients: Calendula, Chickweed, Prunella, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Comfrey,
Lemon Balm, Plantain, Usnea/Oak Moss, Bloodroot, Oregon Grape, and Solomon's Seal, all organically grown or wildcrafted at
Cortesia Sanctuary and prepared in a base of extra virgin organic olive oil and organic beeswax. Unscented.