Letting Go Flower Essence Blend | 1 FL OZ

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Strength & Courage

There are times when we must find the clarity, strength and courage to Let Go — a loved one or a beloved pet dies, a job or relationship ends, an injury or condition does not allow us to return to optimal wellness, or a phase in our life is clearly over.

If we can release the past, or our expectations, while honoring the lessons gained, we can move into a new vision and fresh potential. Every ending brings a new beginning if we can learn to let go.

Contains the following flower essences and the qualities they evoke:
Brugmansia: opening to a larger vision, seeing the large picture
Chinese Lantern: seeing the elemental truth, releasing attachments
Harebell: letting go of control, greater flexibility and resilience
Saxifraga Stolonifera: freedom from the past, new beginnings
Toad Lily: acting on clear, heartfelt priorities
Vervain: letting go of old patterns that no longer serve us to evolve to a higher self

Flowers and herbs have been used worldwide for centuries to heal a variety of conditions. Their therapeutic and medicinal qualities (phytochemicals) can be uniquely distilled to create tinctures, essential oils, and flower essences.

FLOWER ESSENCES work primarily on the mental and emotional level. Users also report that the effects are often physical and spiritual.

Flower essences are ingested by placing drops under the tongue, or diffused with water to be sipped. Flower essences are not perfumes, essential oils or tinctures.

Flower essences are not a panacea promising instant healing, although their effects may begin to be felt almost immediately. Many people (and pets) respond rapidly to a flower essence.


  • Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Weight 0.19 oz

Suggested Use:

Place 2-3 drops daily beneath the tongue, or 5-6 drops in 16 oz water.

Ingredients: Contains essences of the following flowers preserved in a brandy solution:
Brugmansia: opening to a larger vision, seeing the large picture
Chinese Lantern: seeing the elemental truth, releasing attachments
Harebell: letting go of control, greater flexibility and resilience
Saxifraga Stolonifera: freedom from the past, new beginnings
Toad Lily: acting on clear, heartfelt priorities
Vervain: letting go of old patterns that no longer serve us to evolve to a higher self